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Gate Update for November 1st

Published: November 01, 2022

IMPORTANT – Road and curb painting is scheduled for Wednesday Nov 2nd.

Beginning tomorrow morning all gates will be opened to allow painting to occur. The painter will start with power washing followed by painting. The paint (which will also be reflective) takes less than an hour to dry. Throughout the day various entrance and exit gates will be blocked. Please do not drive over the wet paint Painting will be completed by the end of the day and the gates that were opened will be closed at the end of the day.

Repairs to the front exit gate have begun. The post was removed and reset into a new concrete base. This needs to cure for at least 48 hours. The operator still works which is a blessing as they are currently on backorder. Next step will be to replace the hinges then repair and rehang the gate. I’m hopeful this can all be done within the next week.

Repair of the Asheville gate started today with the removal of the operator. The operator was removed so that a new concrete pad could be poured and the operator remounted as it broke free when the wind pushed the gate into it.

The new control boxes being installed at each gate hit a snag last week when we were informed that there could be no codes above the number 65,000. There are 53 homeowners impacted by this news so for those impacted our property management company will be reaching out to you to change your code to a 5-digit number below 65,000.


Hogans Glen Homeowners Association

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